Freshman sophomore junior senior order
Freshman sophomore junior senior order

And when you calculate this out as a fraction you'll get one over 3224 Or as a decimal approximate. And there are 10 seniors and we want for from that pool of students. There are 65 people we can choose from and we could pick any four of them Fableable are the seniors. So for part A we want the probability that all for our seniors Now keep in mind, probability is favorable over possible, so possible. Would be the way to go using your calculator. Therefore, we know we are going to be using combinations. An order is not going to matter here as long as you're selected as being a captain, it doesn't matter if you're selected 1st, 2nd, 3rd or fourth. We're going to select four to serve as captains. So there is a total of 65 members of this team. There are 20 sophomores, There are 15 juniors And there are only 10 seniors on the team. Financing:full-time fees part-time fees graiits student financial aid to apply for financial aid to be eligible for finan­cial assistance scholarship academic fees housing fees a col­lege work-study job.We have a football team that is made up of freshman sophomores, juniors and seniors. to confer a degree to confer tenure, thesis, paper, dissertation.ĩ. Red Tape: to register (academically and financially) to enroll for admission to interview to sign up for a course to select classes/courses to drop a course, to add a course, 4 a student I.D., 5 library card transcript degrees: B.A., M.A., Ph.D. Tests: quiz to take/to give an exam to retake an exam (a retake) to flunk a course to flunk smb to drop out/to with­draw a pass-fail test multiple choice test essay test SAT, PSAT (preliminary SAT) ACT GPA. g.: to take grammar pass-fail) grades A, B, C, D, E A-student to graduate with straight A a credit, to earn a credit education record. Grades: to get/to give a grade pass-fail grading (e. Academic programs:course (a one / three credit course) to take a course, to give a lecture pass-fail course 1 elective, a major/to major (what's your major?) a minor (second in importance) discussion session seminars a more academic class, usually with grad students a student-teacher.Ħ. 262).ģ Classes taken in summer (during vacation time) to earn additional credits or to improve one's proficiency.Ĥ In-service training, updating one's qualification.ĥ One or more days to read up for an examination.ĥ. Academic calendar: fall spring term/semester fall, winter, spring, summer quarter school/academic year exam period/days - reading days/period 5 break/recess deadline 6 (fall term break whiter recess or winter holidays, summer vaca­tion).ġ The entire teaching staff at an educational institution.Ģ For detailed information see Appendix (p. Structure: college (college of Arts anil Sciences) school (school of Education), evening school 'grad school summer school 3 college of continuing education 4 department career development and job placement office. Administration: dean, assistant dean, department chair­man President of the University academic vice-president stu­dent government board of trustees.ģ. transfer student night stu­dent faculty: 1 teaching assistant, assistant professor, associate professor, (full) professor counselor. Who is who: applicant/prospective student freshman sophomore, junior, senior, undergraduate student graduate (grad) student part-time student.

Freshman sophomore junior senior order